You have been blessed with a Glory B's


I said a prayer for you

I said a prayer for you today,
And I know God must have heard.
I felt the answer in my heart,
Although He spoke no word.

I didn't ask for wealth or fame,
I knew you wouldn't mind.
I asked Him to send treasures
Of a far more lasting kind.

I asked that He be near you
At the start of each new day
To grant you health and blessings
And friends to share your way.

I asked for happiness for you,
In all things great and small.
But it was for His loving care,
I prayed for most of all.

Author Unknown


You will always be my dearest friend,
Although we're miles apart.
And will always hold a special place,
Deep within my heart.

I miss the moments that we shared,
And our chats upon the phone.
These memories will fill the void,
When I'm feeling so alone.

Whenever I needed a shoulder,
Or just a friendly ear,
You were always there for me.
And I love you for that dear.

Your friendship means the world to me,
I miss you, that is true.
My only hope is that I have been,
As good a friend to you!

glory b's poetrycorner

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